
Who wants to be a smelly tramp?

There’s an inescapable reality about cycle touring and wild camping: there’s no on-suite bathroom with built-in shower. Personal hygiene is important at any time, but certainly comes to the fore when cycle touring and wild camping. Having said that, there are many things you can do to maintain personal hygiene. Wipes or flannels to the … Read more

Vagabond – WillCycle

Vagabond is define as “a person who wanders from place to place without a fixed home”. Traditionally used as a slur, but oh how times have changed! Cycle tourers are vagabonds! It’s true! When you go cycle touring, you’re literally moving from place to place, without a fixed home (while on tour). That’s the very … Read more

Climbing the Grand Colombier – Part 3

This is the third and final part of Roy Everitt’s adventure, that saw his travel to go cycle up the Grand Colombier – on a laden touring bike. Be sure to first read Part 1 and Part 2. Train to Lyon While I was catching the train to Lyon on Bastille day, three days earlier, … Read more

November Digital Detox Campout – WillCycle

Right, here’s your mission (and don’t give me any of that “I don’t accept it” nonsense): go camping in November! I don’t care where you go camping, how you get there, or who you’re going with. However, there are rules attached! A digital detox Yup, that very much means no phone usage. Sure, you can … Read more

The Middle-aged Cyclist – WillCycle

Time pauses for nobody, and before you know it – if you’re not already there, or beyond it – you too will be middle-aged. That does have implications for your cycling, but it certainly doesn’t mean it’s the end of your cycling! Over the years, I discovered a few tricks that work for me. Your … Read more

Bliss. On two wheels – WillCycle

I went on a gentle adventure, with my youngest daughter, and it was so good! Why? Well, to answer that you’ll need to settle in, but it’s worth your time. Multi-modal I’ve long been a fan of taking my bicycle on the train, and that was the plan for this adventure, right from the start. … Read more

24 must-cycle routes for 2024!

No matter what kind of cyclist you are, you will love these 24 routes! 24 routes in 12 months obviously averages to two routes per month. Your challenge is to go cycle as many of these as you possibly can. There’s a free cycling cap as prize to the first person who can prove they … Read more

Top Camping tips – WillCycle

If you’re new to camping, the tips on this page are sure to make your camping trip far better! What to take There are many different styles of camping, and some of them are extremely minimalist. My focus is heavily flavoured by cycle touring, and hiking. These are activities where you transport all your camping … Read more

Free – WillCycle

Few people get to experience what it is really like to be free. Free from all responsibilities. Free from being a slave to a clock. Free from so much of what society expects of you. Free to choose where to go, and when to do so. Reality intrudes Oh, believe me, I get it! You … Read more

Next adventures – WillCycle

We can’t all be on adventures all the time. Even the world’s most persistent cycle tourer, Heinz Stücke, eventually settled down. However, what we can do is start planning our next adventures! Decide on a timescale Time is the greatest limiter. You can always get more money, but you can never get more time. Your … Read more